Omega 3, Omega 6 and the misconception about fish oil supplements

Let’s start from discussing the essential fatty acids: omega 3 and omega 6. They are both absolutely essential to us, yet our body cannot produce these two substances on its own, therefore they must be obtained from food or additional supplementation.

“The need for supplements” provided a base for the creation of a multibillion-dollar business that has been the number 1 seller of the Omega 3 supplements in North America. But why only Omega 3? Because for years we have been told that Omega 6 causes inflammation and that Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory and we need to take Omega 3 supplements in order to stay healthy. This false info has dangerously misled the public as both oils are vital to the human health. In fact, our body needs more Omega 6 than Omega 3!

So what makes them so essential? The most important of all their jobs is to carry the oxygen through every single cell’s membrane in our body. And since a human being is built out of 37.2 trillion cells, you can imagine the impact that the deficiency of these fats would have on our body. If the cell doesn’t get its oxygen it cannot function properly or produce the energy. The lack-of oxygen-effect could manifest itself in many forms, starting with feeling tired, through the development of all possible diseases, including cancer.

The key issue here is, that our body needs not just any type of those oils, but pure, unchanged forms of omega 3 and 6, the so called “parent form”, the way in which the nature designed and created it. These essential oils must be either unprocessed or processed organically to guarantee full functionality and bioavailability. Foods like avocados, steak (chunk roast with fat), lamb, walnuts, brazil nuts, pecans, pistachios and almonds, olive, coconut, raspberries, along with green leafy vegetables, are some of natural sources of parent omega fats. Unfortunately for us, the North American diet is based on adulteration of parent essential fats, particularly omega 6, which means that processed oils are the major ingredients in meals served in the restaurants and on our tables at home, unless we eat strictly organic food. These processed fats cannot carry the oxygen through the cell membrane the way omega 6 and omega 3 do. Moreover, processed foods, with their oxidized fats, severely impact the functionality of a cell’s membrane and in consequence affect the functionality of the whole body which leads to a dysfunction and disease. If we eat processed foods on regular bases, we must daily provide our body with supplements of unadulterated, parent, essential omega 3 and omega 6 in order to stay healthy.

So here comes our supplements industry, promoting and selling fish oil as the main source of omega 3 and convincing us that as long as we take it we will be fine, right? Wrong!

Fish oil is as toxic to a human body as processed oils. First of all, there are no parent omega 3 or omega 6 in fish oil, but instead it contains its derivatives which is EPA-DHA similar to processed food. Our body doesn’t need those as it produces them on its own and the dosage that is recommended by the fish oil producing industry is toxic to a human being. Secondly, fish oil is a “biological antifreeze” to fish living in rigid waters. Under the temperature of human body it spontaneously becomes rancid (spoiled). Numerous studies confirm that fish oil doesn’t prevent cardiovascular disease nor does it slow down atherosclerosis. It is also worthless in a treatment or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Fish oil not only fails to prevent cancer, but it increases the risk of a colon cancer and prostate cancer in men. In general studies of cancer in women it’s been proven that a woman taking omega 3 pills had a three-fold increased risk of contracting cancer and five times as likely to die of cancer. Fish oil can also make chemotherapy ineffective. It lessens blood sugar control and decreases response to the insulin in diabetics. Fish oil is an ultimate pro aging agent. Mitochondrial (energy production center of our body cells) functionality is a prime anti-aging factor and fish oil negatively impacts mitochondrial functionality. It also speeds up the aging process by increasing oxidative stress and decreases cellular function causing an organ dysfunction similar to that by the processed food. Despite of all the above facts, the fish omega 3 supplements are still occupying center shelves at our grocery and health stores.


To sum it up – the only supplements we should be taking to fight the destructive effects that processed foods have on our body, are Parent Essential Oils. Parent means that they contain omega 3 and omega 6 in their natural and unchanged form. The human body absorbs these parent substances and extracts both Omega essential fats as it needs them.


What benefits can we expect from supplementing parent essential oils:

  • We can expect to live longer and age slower as studies prove that essential oils extend life span.
  • We can control our weight without calorie restrictions and special diet as omega 6 fulfills the appetite and reduces cravings for sweets. Very important supplement for diabetics
  • We can have overall more vital energy as parent essential oils increase cell oxygenation therefore more energy production by each and every cell of your body
  • We can expect a faster healing process after any kind of trauma or surgery
  • We can expect to normalize our blood pressure if it is too high
  • We can expect our cardiovascular system and heart to improve. With proper parent omega 6 our arteries remain flexible and clean reducing risk of heart attack
  • We can expect to have thicker, fuller hair (in some cases hair loss has been reversed), strong nails and beautiful skin with reduction of cellulite.
  • We can expect to help with any inflammation and autoimmune diseases like arthritis. Our body’s natural steroids (anti-inflammatories) are produced from parent essential oils.
  • We can expect better brain function, improved focus, clarity, speed and memory. Very important supplement in ADD/ADHD and Autistic children.
  • We can expect higher endurance, more energy, less fatigue, greater intensity during exercise, faster recuperation and lower post-workout muscle soreness. Excellent supplement for active people.
  • We can expect more libido. Parent Essential Oils are the basis of our sexual hormones, both male and female. Excellent supplement to decrease PMS symptoms and headaches. Smoother pregnancies and healthy child development. The must supplement during the pregnancy. Increase sperm vitality in men
  • We can expect to help to prevent skin cancer as well as increase our resistance in developing any form of cancer. Cancer cells are formed from cells deprived of oxygen. Since Parent Essential Oils transport oxygen into our cells they work as natural anti-cancer agent.


For more information on benefits of Parent Essential Oils and its proper supplementation please contact our clinic.