Simple home techniques to detoxify yourself

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, an ancient practice with roots in Ayurvedic healing, is a simple, inexpensive technique that you can do at home.
For this, you simply swish a healthy type of oil (e.g., coconut or olive oil) around in your mouth, for about five minutes, and then spit it into the trash( don’t spit coconut oil into your sink as the oil solidify and clogs your sink ).
The oil binds with the toxins in your mouth and bloodstream. Some people recommend doing oil pulling for twenty minutes daily for best results, but if you don’t have twenty minutes to spare during the day, you can get decent results after about five minutes.
The important thing is to spit out the oil after the pulling and scrape the tongue with a tongue scraper to remove the residue of the oil, now infiltrated with toxins,  from the surface of the tongue.
After spitting and scraping rinse the mouth with warm water.
Remember not to swallow the oil while swishing it around your mouth, or you will also swallow the chemicals and toxins that have been bound up in the oil! And make sure that the oil you use is organic.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are another simple, inexpensive way to cleanse your body of waste from the comfort of your home.
Epsom salt is a pure mineral compound that contains magnesium and sulfate. The magnesium in Epsom salt can help your body function in a number of ways. Magnesium is responsible for regulating the activity of over 324 enzymes, reducing inflammation and aiding in muscle and nerve function, among other important tasks. Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients and flush toxins from the body.
I often recommend Epsom salt baths to our patients for their detoxification, nutritional, and pain-relieving benefits. Simply pour a cup of Epsom salt or a mixture of half a cup of Epsom salt and half a cup of baking soda under running water into the tub and then soak in it for twenty minutes. Warm or hot baths work best. A bit of apple cider vinegar can be also added to the water.



Juicing and juice fasting are used in many cultures for their potential medicinal purposes, especially to cleanse the body of unwanted waste and boost immunity. Today, juicing has become a mainstream practice and more and more people are joining the juicing revolution to help maintain their health. I highly recommend adding juicing to your daily wellness regimen for several reasons. First, juicing can give you energy and provide instantaneous, noticeable positive results in your mood and sense of well-being, which can be a powerful motivational factor that spurs you on to meet your health goals. You’ll likely notice juicing increases your energy, clears up your brain fog, restores your digestion, and/or reduces other symptoms. It also cleanses your cells. Important is to use only organic produce in order to avoid additional toxic exposure.

Here are few recipes:

Lemon Ginger Turmeric Juice
1 large pink grapefruit
1 orange
Juice of 1 lemon
1 cup purified water
1 (⅓-inch-long) piece fresh turmeric
1 (⅓-inch-long) piece fresh ginger
Stevia, to taste (optional)
Lemon Greens Juice
4 medium-size carrots
8 cups spinach
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 medium-size beet
1 apple

Clarity Blend

This juice is high in potassium. Potassium can help your body maintain a healthy nervous system and optimal brain function. There
are high amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in this juice, including vitamins A, B9 , C, D, and K; iron, calcium, CoQ10, and
sulforaphane, to support detoxification.

1 cup broccoli, with stalks
4 carrots
4 cups spinach
1 apple
½ medium-size cucumber

These are just few samples. You can mix them to your own taste and add some organic protein to increase a meal value.

In order to boost your detoxification it’s recommended to add to one’s diet probiotics included in fermented foods, such as sourkraut or its juice, pickles, naturally fermented kefir.